If you are new to this site please answer the following questions (just skip any questions you don't want to answer). With your consent, this information will be used to construct your personal bio and expand the genealogy pages. If you would like to include a resume in your bio, just e-mail it to the web-author in MS Word, HTML, text, or a graphical format (.jpg or .gif). If there is a particular photo you would like to use for your bio, then e-mail that as well. Attach your photo in .jpg or .gif format.

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

What is your father's name?

What is your mother's name?

List any siblings:

What is your primary e-mail address?

What is your birthday?

Please select your state of residence:

Is it alright if I create a personal bio page for you on this site?
Yes No

Is it alright if I use a photograph of you on your bio page?
Yes No

Do you already have a personal and/or business home page?
Yes No

If you have personal/business homepage(s), what are their URL's (web addresses)?

What is your occupation, if applicable?

Who is your employer, if applicable?

If you wish to write your own 1 or 2 paragraph bio for your bio page, please do so here:

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