(Winter, 2001)

Jim Mazza won the Winter, 2001 contest!

Here are the answers - Thanks to Cindy for contributing some of the questions.

1)What is your name? (still worth 8,000 points)

2)Who is this fellow? Leo Geraci (Grandma's father)

3)What was the make, model and year of Uncle Tony's first car (partial credit will be awarded)? 1953 Slip and Slide Power Glide Chevy

4)Jim was arrested in a foreign country. What country was it? And for a bonus point . . . what was he arrested for?
Mexico - Drinking Beer in the street

5)Cindy was a captain in high school. Of what was she the captain?
Color Guard / Flag Squad. Among the more interesting guesses came this one from Dave: "Duran Duran Fan Club -- Founder and Captain."

6)What musical group did Mel see at least 30 times?
Greatful Dead
(One misguided contestant whose initials are R.E.D. guessed "Guy Lombardo and His Band of Reknown!")

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